Welcome to my research web page
In this page you will find information about my publications, students and past and present research projects.
About me
I borned in Rosario, Argentina, in 1986. I received the licenciate degree in Computer Science (2010) at the National University of Rosario and the PhD in Computer Science (2017) at the University of Buenos Aires in Argentina. I am a PostDoc Fellow at CIFASIS-CONICET in the Simulation and Control of Dynamic Systems group and an assistant teacher at the National University of Rosario, Argentina.
Main Research interests
Currently, my interests are in develop new SLAM algorithms and the use of Deep Learning techniques to enhance SLAM systems.
Contact Information
Dr. Taihú Pire CIFASIS Bv. 27 de Febrero 210 bis, S2000EZP Rosario, Argentina. Office 204. Tel.: (+54 341) 4815569, 4237248 ext. 356. email: pire /at/ cifasis-conicet /dot/ gob /dot/ ar