Detalle del congreso

Autores: Sartorio, Alejandro.

Resumen: We shall present a prototipal framework to implement the notion of contract as an abstraction for the modeling of interconnections superposition of kernel Sakai services to the implementation a pedagogy methodology under the “Dynamic Hypermedia Devices”innovation proposal.We shall present a prototipal framework to implement the notion of contract as an abstraction for the modeling of interconnections. Whereas design by contract (GOUVEIA, et. al) supports “compiletime” objectoriented interactions, we propose a notion of “composition contract” that supports runtime integration of services.In general terms, a coordination contract is a connection that is established between a group of objects (participants which implement core services as Messaging/Notification). Through the contract, rules and constraints are superposed on the behavior of the participants, which determines a specific form of interaction. From a static point of view, a contract defines what in UML is known as an association class. When a call is made from a client object to a supplier object, the contract “intercepts” the call and superposes the forms of behavior it prescribes.

Tipo de reunión: Conferencia.

Tipo de trabajo: Resumen.

Producción: A conceptual framework to apply Sakai with contract and its practical implementation.

Reunión científica: 9th Sakai Conference Paris, France.

Lugar: Paris, France.

Institución organizadora: Sakai Fundation.

Publicado: Sí

Lugar publicación:

Mes de reunión: 12

Año: 2008.

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