Detalle del congreso

Autores: E. Tapia; F. Spetale; P. Bulacio; L. Angelone; F. Krsticevic.

Resumen: Binary BCH codes have been recently proposed for the design of barcoding systems of high multiplexing capacity suitable for use in sequencing platforms impaired by mismatch errors. We generalize the design of BCH barcodes by introducing shortened BCH barcodes, a class of barcodes built from binary BCH codes allowing otherwise prohibited barcoding sizes. Simulation results suggest that shortened BCH barcodes can provide barcoding systems with high specificity and scalability.

Tipo de reunión: Conferencia.

Tipo de trabajo: Artículo Breve.

Producción: A class of barcodes with high specificity and scalability.

Reunión científica: III ISCB-Latin America x-Meeting on Bioinformatics with BSB and SoiBio.

Lugar: Belo Horizonte.

Institución organizadora: ISCB - AB3C - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais .

Publicado: Sí

Lugar publicación: Belo Horizonte

Mes de reunión: 10

Año: 2014.

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