Detalle del congreso

Autores: Germán Campetelli; David Zumoffen; Marta Basualdo; Antonio Rigalli.

Resumen: Diabetes technology has been focused since three decades ago on developing the artificial pancreas through several closed-loop control algorithms linking glucose measurements and insulin delivery. Taking into account these three principal components; namely the control algorithm, the glucose sensor and the insulin pump, the most difficult to resolve are the sensor and the control algorithm because insulin pumps are now considered a mature technology. Therefore, this work is focused on rigorously analyzing the Predictive Functional Control (PFC) algorithm capabilitiesfor deciding about the correct insulin dosage. The study is done by applying the PFC in a recently developed model of the endocrine system, approved by the FDA in 2008, as a substitute to animal trial. Then, the tests are done on this in silico model used with a database of 26 patients. Moreover, some tests are done considering minimal-invasive (subcutaneous) and non-invasivesensors. Specifically for this last case typical faults are taken into account. Hence, implementing a Fault Diagnosis and Identification (FDI) system the faults can be detected and the corrected signal is given to the PFC turning it into a Fault Tolerant Controller (FTC).

Tipo de reunión: Congreso.

Tipo de trabajo: Artículo Completo.

Producción: Fault Tolerant Predictive Control Applied To Erroneous Blood Glucose Measurements.

Reunión científica: RPIC 2009.

Lugar: Rosario, Argentina.

Institución organizadora: Universidad Nacional de Rosario.

Publicado: Sí

Lugar publicación: Anales del congreso

Mes de reunión: 12

Año: 2009.