Article detail

Authors: Sartorio, Alejandro; Cristía, Maximiliano.


This article presents one of the first experiences of application of the modalities fellow researcher in companies offered by the CONICET ( was carried out between 2006 and 2007 in an organization which, though it had a technological basis, desired to consolidate its profile as an educational institution since its main services were focused on the professional training for the multimedia software use and development of hipermedial applications and composition. We will explain the reasons which gave rise to the mentioned agreement, and then the characteristics of the project linked up with technology, a brief theoretical framework of the perspective adopted in the work, explaining the main actions and achieved results. Finally, we will conclude with an open reflection on some of the difficulties we observed related to the application of these modalities in our Argentine context , taking into account the own pace of the processes of research and development which demand designs of short and long- term periods without guarantee of the effectiveness in the results which are related to a very peculiar reality of most of the Argentine small and medium size enterprises, which adhere in their practices to market policies of high impact in a very short term.



articulo_idioma: Inglés.

Editorial: Editorial Board.

Editing place: Santa Fe.

Reference type: Con Referato.

It's published?: Yes

ISSN: 0717-5000.

Volumen: 12.

Number: 3.


Web page: Link