Congress detail

Authors: Patricio Luppi; Lautaro Braccia; Pablo Marchetti; David Zumoffen.

Resumen: In this work, a novel design methodology based on the control allocation (CA) approach is presented. The CA structure allows to explicitly handle the input constraints (e.g. actuator position limits) as well as the secondary control objectives (e.g. minimization of the control energy). In addition, it can manage actuator saturations (and faults) without performing a reconfiguration of the control structure. The proposed architecture involves two levels: (i) a high-level decentralized structure implemented with conventional PI controllers and (ii) a CA module based on a weighted least-squares formulation which utilizes an active set method algorithm. The complete procedure only requires a steady-state model of the process for the structure design. Several dynamic simulations demonstrate the performance of the suggested strategy.

Meeting type: Simposio.

Type of job: Artículo Completo.

Production: Control Allocation based Plantwide Control Structure Design for Heat Exchange Networks.

Scientific meeting: 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering ? PSE 2018.

Meeting place: San Diego, California.

Organizing Institution: PSE.

It's published?: Yes

Publication place: Amsterdam

Meeting month: 7