Congress detail
Authors: Tapia, Elizabeth.
Resumen: We are now facing a new wave of astonishing advances in high throughput sequencing technologies. In this new wave, second-generation (2G) short-read sequencing technologies are questioned for the first time concerning their capacity for uncovering the secrets of highly repetitive or highly variable genomic regions.In this presentation, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities offered by third-generation (3G) long-read sequencing technologies concerning challenging target sequencing applications. Motivated by the affordable cost of the initial capital investment, we will focus on Nanopore sequencing technologies, from the power and beauty of truly long but extremely noisy Nanopore reads to the difficulties of highly multiplexed wet-lab protocols and issues in bioinformatics data analysis.
Meeting type: Congreso.
Production: Long Read Sequencing (3G) Technologies: The Low Cost Approach.
Scientific meeting: 4to CREB- Congreso Regional de Estudiantes de Biotecnología.
Meeting place: Santa Fe.
Organizing Institution: Centro Estudiantes, Facultad Ciencias Bioquímicas y Ciencias Biológicas, Universidad Nacional del Litoral .
It's published?: No
Meeting month: 6