Financing detail

Authors: Pierre.

Description: Coclico is a research project financed by the French national research agency whose goal is to study and propose a generic method for an innovative multi-scale analysis of large volumes of spatio-temporal data provided as a stream of highly variable quality, implementing a multi-strategy approach in which incremental collaboration between different data mining methods will be guided by knowledge of both the thematic field (Geosciences, Geography) formalized in ontologies and of the domain analysis (knowledge of the methods), and guaranteeing a objective of final quality taking into account both the quality of data and of knowledge.

From date: 41091

To date: 42917

Financing amount: 1035393

Coinage: Euros

Financing type: Proyectos de I+D.

Disciplinary field: 1 - CIENCIAS NATURALES Y EXACTAS / 1.2 - Ciencias de la Computación e Información / 1.2.3 - Otras Ciencias de la Computación e Información.

Scope: Ordenamiento territorial-varios.

Specialty: Proyecto multidisciplinario.

Principal's name: Pierre.

Co-director name: Gançarski.

Year: 2015.