Congress detail
Authors: Hernan Haimovich.
Resumen: This paper presents a novel characterization of controllability. This characterization relates eigenvalue controllability with the continuity of the map that assigns to each closed-loop eigenvalue the smallest subspace containing the set of corresponding closed-loop eigenvectors. The given characterization is motivated by feedback control design for switched linear systems based on Lie-algebraic solvability, where properties of closed-loop eigenvectors are of importance.
Meeting type: Congreso.
Type of job: Artículo Completo.
Production: Characterization of controllability based on continuity of closed-loop eigenvectors.
Scientific meeting: 24º Congreso Argentino de Control Automático.
Meeting place: Buenos Aires.
Organizing Institution: Asociación Argentina de Control Automático.
It's published?: Yes
Publication place: Buenos Aires
Meeting month: 10
Year: 2014.
Link: here