Congress detail

Authors: Andrés Vázquez Sieber; Hernan Haimovich; Mónica Romero.

Resumen: One key feature of Z-source and quasi-Z-sourceconverters is the inclusion of a fully reactive network (the Znetwork) between input voltage source and inverter bridge. Theinclusion of the Z network enables the possibility of utilizingthe so-called shoot-through mode, i.e. the simultaneous activationof both switches in a single inverter bridge leg. Typical controlstrategies for these converters involve two separate objectives:(a) the control of Z-network variables (capacitor voltages) aimedat regulating the Z-network-to-inverter-bridge voltage and (b)standard inverter bridge output control. Modelling and controlof the Z-network behavior, aiming at objective (a), is complicatedby the fact that the current drawn from the Z-network by theinverter bridge during non shoot-through may be discontinuousand cannot be considered constant, especially in the case ofa single-phase inverter. Our main contribution is to derive anadequately simple and sufficiently useful control-oriented modelfor the Z-network variables, taking full account of the variabilityof the aforementioned current and hence avoiding restrictiveassumptions on the load or the PWM modulation strategy. Asecond contribution is to derive, based on the Z-network model,an adaptive control law able to compensate for large-signalvariations. Successful operation is illustrated by means of asimulation example.

Meeting type: Conferencia.

Type of job: Artículo Completo.

Production: Control-oriented Modelling and Adaptive Control of a Single-phase Quasi-Z-Source Inverter.

Scientific meeting: IECON 2013 is the 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.

Meeting place: Viena.

Organizing Institution: EEE Industrial Electronics Society.

It's published?: Yes

Publication place: Viena

Meeting month: 11

Year: 2013.