Congress detail

Authors: Germán Campetelli; Mercedes Lombarte; Marta Basualdo; Alfredo Rigalli.

Resumen: As a common laboratory practice rats are studied as biological models for understanding several human?s diseases. This work is focused on studying the endocrine behavior to obtain a proper in silico healthy and diabetic rat which would be able to compare well with the experimental data. After this, the expectations are to get valuable insight to quantify the analogies with humans and to determine a realistic scale-up between both, humans and rats. With this purpose the scale-up procedure proposed in Hall et al. [2012] is taken into account. In this context, the well-known model of healthy subject given by Sorensen [1985] was proper to implement the scale-up methodology. Therefore, the main contribution of this work is to present the preliminary procedure of the scale-up focused on the specific problem of diabetes Mellitus. An intensive search in the literature had to be done to perform the simulations. Hence, several results are included and confronted with experimental data. These results will be useful to the pre-clinical testing of control algorithms with rats to be extrapolated to human beings.

Meeting type: Simposio.

Type of job: Artículo Completo.

Production: Scaling the Endocrine System from Rats to Humans.

Scientific meeting: 22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering.

It's published?: Yes

Publication place: Amsterdam

Meeting month: 6

Year: 2013.

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