Congress detail
Authors: ROMAGNOLI, M.; Rita CARVALHO; Jorge LEANDRO; Joana Pião.
Resumen: Gullies are vertical inlet structures placed along the surface drainage of streets and highways, through which excess flow is drained into a storm drainage system. Usually, water flows into the gullies. However, pressurized flow might occur in a severe flood event (e.g., when the rainfall exceeds the capacity of the underground pipes) inducing reverse flow. This work aims to experimentally describe flow dynamics characteristics in a typical gully with reverse flow using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter. Experimental tests were carried out in a laboratory facility termed Multiple-Linking- Element at the Laboratorio de Hidraulica, Recursos Hidricos e Ambiente of the Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
Meeting type: Simposio.
Type of job: Artículo Breve.
Production: ADV measurements in a gully with reverse flow.
Scientific meeting: III Simpósio sobre Métodos Experimentales en Hidráulica.
Meeting place: Santa Fe.
Organizing Institution: Fich UNL.
It's published?: Yes
Publication place: dddd
Meeting month: 3
Year: 2013.