Congress detail

Authors: Federico Bergero; Xenofon Floros; Joaquín Fernández; Ernesto Kofman; François Cellier.

Resumen: This article describes an extension of the OpenMod- elica Compiler that translates regular Modelica mod- els into a simpler language, called Micro?Modelica (μ?Modelica), that can be understood by the re- cently developed stand?alone Quantized State Sys- tems (QSS) solvers. These solvers are very efficient when simulating systems with frequent discontinu- ities. Thus, strongly discontinuous Modelica models can be simulated noticeably faster than with the stan- dard discrete time solvers. The simulation of two discontinuous models is analyzed in order to demonstrate the correctness of the proposed implementation as well as the advantages of using the QSS stand-alone solvers. .

Meeting type: Conferencia.

Type of job: Artículo Completo.

Production: Simulating Modelica models with a Stand-Alone Quantized State Systems Solver.

Scientific meeting: 9th International Modelica Conference.

Meeting place: Munich.

Organizing Institution: Modelica Association and DLR - Robotics and Mechatronics Center.

It's published?: Yes

Publication place: Linköpings

Meeting month: 9

Year: 2012.

Link: here