Congress detail

Authors: Federico Bergero; Ernesto Kofman; François Cellier.

Resumen: We introduce a novel parallelization technique for discrete event simulation of hybrid systems. The models are first split into several submodels that are concurrently simulated on different processors. In order to avoid the cost of the synchronization between processes, the simulation time of each sub?model is locally synchronized in a real-time fashion with a scaled version of physical time, which implicitly synchro- nizes all sub?models. The new methodology, coined Scaled Real?Time Synchronization and an adaptive extension of it were implemented in PowerDEVS , a DEVS simulation tool, under a real?time operating system. We tested their performance by simulating two large-scale models, obtaining in both cases a considerable speedup. .

Meeting type: Conferencia.

Type of job: Artículo Completo.

Production: Scaled Real-Time Parallelization for DEVS Simulation of Hybrid Systems.

Scientific meeting: HPC-LataM 2012.

Meeting place: Buenos Aires.

Organizing Institution: JAIIO.

It's published?: Yes

Publication place: Buenos Aires

Meeting month: 7

Year: 2012.

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