Congress detail
Authors: Mohammad Moallemi; Gabriel Wainer; Federico Bergero; Rodrigo Castro.
Resumen: Model reuse and interoperability are cost and effort saving solutions for the simulation-driven development of embed- ded real-time systems. Different embedded systems share the same components (e.g. motors, sensors, actuators, con- trollers, etc), and remodeling them is costly in terms of time and effort. Instead, by combining different existing models, developers can improve productivity. To do so, we here pre- sent a generic lightweight interface for message transfers between DEVS models running on different DEVS-based tools. The idea is to allow defining component-based mod- els to be deployed on different tools collaborating in real- time. The components work autonomously as separate DEVS models, and exchange messages at the input-output level over a network infrastructure. We present a proof of concept implementation in which we interfaced ECD++ and PowerDEVS, to DEVS-based tools. .
Meeting type: Simposio.
Type of job: Artículo Completo.
Production: Component-Oriented Interoperation of Real-Time DEVS Engines.
Scientific meeting: 44th Annual Simulation Symposium.
Meeting place: Boston, MA.
Organizing Institution: 44th Annual Simulation Symposium.
It's published?: Yes
Publication place: San Diego, CA
Meeting month: 4
Year: 2011.