Taller de la Red Iberoamericana RiaBio sobre Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a BioData

Workshop of RiaBio Ibero-American Network on Artificial Intelligence applied to BioData

18-19 November, 2021

TIME from 16:00 to 20:00 (CET, Madrid)
12:00-16:00 (- 4HRS BuenosAires/Santiago/Montevideo)
10:00-14:00 (- 6HRS Bogotá), 09:00-13:00 (- 7HRS MéxicoCity)
The Official Languages for the Workshop are English/Spanish
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Como actividad internacional, la Red Iberoamericana RiaBio ha organizado en 2021 un Workshop sobre Inteligencia Artificial aplicada a BioData, que tiene como objetivo la presentación del trabajo en el campo de los distintos grupos de científicos e investigadores de la red, pertenecientes a 10 países.


La Red Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial para Big Biodata (RiaBio) es una red financiada por CYTED (Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo) que tiene como objetivo central la creación de un consorcio de grupos de investigación y entidades iberoamericanas (públicas y privadas) que colaboran y trabajan juntos durante cuatro años para afrontar rápidamente los desafíos y oportunidades emergentes de la creciente fusión de innovaciones en los campos de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) y la ciencia de los datos en Biología (BioData Science).


Hybrid Workshop: Salamanca - España


Thursday to Friday
18-19 November, 2021

Event Speakers

Speaker 1

Roberto Lopez

Neural Designer. Spain

Speaker 2

Daniel Aguayo

UNAB. Chile

Speaker 3

Elizabeth Tapia


Event Programme

Presentación del Primer TALLER RIABIO (Organizer Committee)

Roberto Lopez

KEYNOTE TALK Roberto Lopez (Neural Designer. Spain)

Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial en Medicina

Oscar González

Lightning talks Óscar González-Velasco (CSIC-USAL-IBSAL. Spain)

Deep Learning in clinical diagnosis: primary site tumor identification of metastatic cancers and explainable machine learning as a tool for biomolecular understanding

Mauricio Vueltiflor

Lightning talks Mauricio Vueltiflor (Cinvestav Irapuato. Mexico)

Modelos computacionales de clasificación aplicados al estudio de Transferencia Horizontal de material genético

Amilcar Meneses

Lightning talks Amilcar Meneses Viveros (Cinvestav-IPN. Mexico)

Heterogeneous computing applied to bioinformatics problems

Jose Manuel Gilperez

Lightning talks José Manuel Gilpérez Aguilar (University of Castilla La Mancha. Spain)

Machine Learning model for epigenetic pattern recognition and prediction of enhancers and promoters

Leandro Murgas

Lightning talks Leandro Murgas Saavedra (CGB-UM. Chile)

Machine Learning approach to determine relationships between epigenetics marks

Alberto Berral

Lightning talks Alberto Berral-Gonzalez (CIC-IBMCC, USAL/CSIC/IBSAL. Spain)

Bioinformatic algorithm for the prediction of patient risk based on omic data and survival

Fernando Fontove

Lightning talks Fernando Fontove (C3 Consensus. Mexico)

Gene Finder: a tool for small gene discovery

Alejandra Serrano

Lightning talks Alejandra Serrano-Rubio (Cinvestav-IPN. Mexico)

Gene expression analysis through parallel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

Flavio Spetale

Lightning talks Flavio E. Spetale (CIFASIS-CONICET. Argentina)

GO Deep: AI Annotation of lncRNAs

Octavio Zambada

Lightning talks Octavio Zambada Moreno (Cinvestav. Mexico)

Multi-omics analysis to determine the master transcription factors regulators in tomato response to PSTVd infection

Martina Fernandez

Lightning talks Martina Fernandez (FBIOyF - UNR. Argentina)

Development of a highly multiplexed full-length 16S rRNA sequencing protocol for the gut microbiota of low-temperature tolerant Pacú

Pedro Sepulveda

Lightning talks Pedro Sepúlveda (UM. Chile)

Genotypic and transcriptional regulatory diversity in the extremely acidophilic Acidithiobacillus genus: insights into anaerobic metabolism

Daniel Aguayo

KEYNOTE TALK Daniel Aguayo (UNAB. Chile)

Cosechando rendimiento con Inteligencia Artificial

Presentación de Actividades y Objetivos de la Red RIABIO - CYTED (Jorge Valdes y Javier De Las Rivas)

Elizabeth Tapia

KEYNOTE TALK Elizabeth Tapia (CIFASIS-UNR. Argentina)

Bayesian probabilistic inference and the development of a highly multiplex long read sequencing protocol for SARS-CoV-2 genomes

Monica Padilla

Lightning talks Mónica Padilla-Gálveza (LCGEJ-UNAM. Mexico)

Uncovering the regulatory network that modules the transcriptional response to SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans

Sebastian Contreras

Lightning talks Sebastian Contreras-Riquelme (CGB-UM. Chile)

Deciphering the relationship between epigenetic marks and Transcription Factor Binding

Camilo Villaman

Lightning talks Camilo Villaman (UM. Chile)

CTCF binding prediction using genomic and epigenomic features

Nestor Diaz

Lightning talks Nestor Diaz (Unicauca. Colombia)

Imbalanced fetal state classification from Cardiotocograms

Enrique de_la_Rosa

Lightning talks Enrique De La Rosa Morón (CiC-IBMCC, CSIC/USAL. Spain)

Using current bioinformatics tools to analyse single-cell transcriptomic data

Natalia Alonso

Lightning talks Natalia Alonso Moreda (CIC-IBMCC, USAL/CSIC/IBSA. Spain)

Mixture deconvolution methods of transcriptomic data to identify cellular composition and markers

Margot Paulino

Lightning talks Margot Paulino Zunini (Udelar. Uruguay)

Articulación de estrategias “Ligand Based”, “Structure Based Drug Design” y de Inteligencia Artificial aplicadas al diseño innovador de compuestos bioactivos

Pablo Garcia

Lightning talks Pablo C. Garcia Briosso (Udelar. Uruguay)

Representación numérica de ligandos y sitios de anclaje para el diseño de modelos basados en inteligencia artificial

Maribel Hernandez

Lightning talks Maribel Hernandez Rosales (CINVESTAV. Mexico)

REvolutionH-tl: Reconstruction of Evolutionary Histories tool

Katia Aviña

Lightning talks Katia Aviña Padilla (CINVESTAV. Mexico)

Eukaryotic intronless genes: insights into their functional significance and evolution

Veronica Latapiat

Lightning talks Verónica Latapiat (UM. Chile)

Study of stratification based on transcriptomic in subjects with Alzheimer’s disease using individualized co-expression networks

Sandra Arancibia

Lightning talks Sandra Arancibia Opazo (UM. Chile)

Analysis of transcriptional changes associated with CRE elements in a murine model of Huntington's disease due to interaction of CBP with mutant Huntingtin protein

Closure of Event


Registration to the Workshop is closed, and Submission of Title and Abstract is closed.

Processing Booktemplate

The COVID-19 pandemic has made our face-to-face meeting model unfiseable, as the authorities have imposed travel restrictions and physical estrangement that are increasingly strict and for an indeterminate time.

In this time of uncertainty, we seek to turn the crisis into an opportunity. This is why the organizing committee of the RiaBio has decided that the best option is to move to a hybrid version of the Workshop. We prioritize participants' health without losing the possibility of making visible the work that we all carry out in the different areas of knowledge that concern us. The official languages of the meeting is English/Spanish


BioData Analyses using Bioinformatics

Deep Learning Methods in BioData

HPC & Cloud Computing for Big BioData

Artificial Intelligence applied in Biomedicine

Artificial Intelligence applied in Biology

I+D+i in AI for BioData in Iberoamérica


Universidad Andres Bello, Chile
CIT San Nicolas-CONICET, Argentina
CCG-UNAM, Mexico
São Paulo University, Brazil
