Detalle del congreso

Autores: Rafael Namias; M.-E. Bellemare.

Resumen: Pelvic floor disorders cover pathologies of which physiopathology is not well understood. However cases get prevalent with an ageing population. Within the context of a project aiming at modelization of the dynamics of pelvic organs, we have developed an efficient segmentation process. It aims at alleviating the radiologist with a tedious one by one image analysis. From a first contour delineating the uterus-vagina set, the organ border is tracked along a dynamic mri sequence. The process combines movement prediction, local intensity and texture analysis and active contour geometry control. Movement prediction allows a contour intitialization for next image in the sequence. Intensity analysis provides image-based local contour detection enhanced by local binary pattern (lbp) texture descriptors. Geometry control prohibits self intersections and smoothes the contour. Results show the efficiency of the method with images produced in clinical routine.

Tipo de reunión: Congreso.

Tipo de trabajo: Artículo Completo.

Producción: Uterus segmentation in dynamic MRI using LBP texture descriptors.

Reunión científica: Medical Imaging 2014: Image Processing.

Lugar: San Diego, CA.

Institución organizadora: International Society for Optics and Photonics.

Publicado: Sí

Lugar publicación: San diego

Mes de reunión: 2

Año: 2014.

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